Results of the Kunta10 study from 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022 and 2024
Well-being at work experiences, such as work engagement, job burnout symptoms, and job boredom vary somewhat between industrial sectors.
How is the industrial sector, gender, age, level of education, mode of employment or position linked to work engagement, job satisfaction, job boredom, work addiction, job burnout or work ability? View the results based on the “How are you feeling?” well-being at work test data.
Experiences of work engagement is common in all sectors
Work engagement is a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind characterized by experiences of vigour, dedication and absorption.
The Working Life Barometer by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has studied experiences of occupational burnout since 2019.
The Working Life Barometer includes a question on how often the respondent has feelings related to occupational burnout or harmful stress in their work.
Monitoring the stressfulness of working time is the basis for further development of working time.
Ageing in shift work is particularly detrimental to the quality of sleep, and various illnesses among older employees are becoming more common. The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health recommends providing older employees with better opportunities to reduce the number of night shifts and long working times.
Today’s work is, above all, cognitive work i.e. brainwork. Even many traditionally physical work tasks become more cognitively-oriented under the conditions of the digital era.
The Brainwork Survey investigates the prevalence, strenuousness and inspiring aspects of the different tasks and situations of work.
The City of Helsinki as an example of shift planning that promotes recovery