Coaching leadership in social welfare and health care

Occupational wellbeing and work ability
Leadership in social welfare and health care sector

Leadership in social welfare and health care sector​​

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Physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and nutritionists

Coaching leadership (Physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and nutritionists)

The supervisor solvesconflicts in work-lifebalance in co-operationwith employees in aflexible mannerThe immediate supervisorencourages theiremployees to workindependentlyThe immediate supervisorencourages theiremployees to co-operateThe immediate supervisorstrengthens theiremployees’ competenciesPercentage of respondents, %​010203040506070Physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and nutritionistsProfessions average

Opportunities to influence (Physiotherapists and occupational therapists)

Here you can compare the selected profession with the most and least similar profession in terms of leadership quality.
No opportunities toinfluence changes inwork​​Percentage of respondents, %​051015202530354045The profession with the most similar results​Physiotherapists and occupational therapistsDoctors
No opportunities toinfluence changes inwork​​Percentage of respondents, %​010203040506070The profession with the least similar results​Physiotherapists and occupational therapistsFire-fighters

Quality of leadership​ (2024)

Five professions with the highest quality of leadership
Senior and headnursesManagement andSpecialistPsychologists,speech therapistsand psychotherapistsX-ray techniciansDoctorsPer cent, %01020304050607080Indicator average

One of the themes of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health’s Mitä kuuluu? well-being at work survey is leadership and supervisory work. The theme is about studying the leadership of supervisors and the employees’ opportunities to influence any changes related to work.


The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health’s Mitä kuuluu? well-being at work survey is designed for the personnel of the wellbeing services counties. The survey has been carried out in social welfare and health care joint municipal authorities and hospital districts annually in since 2018. The survey has included 4-9 social welfare and health care organizations and 10,000-25,000 respondents. The results of the survey are processed by the work units and management teams of wellbeing services counties, and they are used to develop the personnel’s well-being at work. Through these regular surveys, social welfare and health care organizations are provided with comparative information about changes in well-being at work, also in relation to other wellbeing services counties that participated in the survey. Experiences of supervisory work and opportunities to influence any changes in work are one of the themes of the survey.

What the indicators suggest

The aspects of leadership and supervisory work being analyzed include the supervisor’s activity in solving conflicts in work-life balance and three indicators of how well the supervisor is felt to apply a coaching leadership approach. In addition, the analysis includes the personnel’s experiences of their opportunities to influence any changes in work. The final item is a summarizing graph of the quality of leadership that includes the average of the four coaching leadership indicators described above and the reverse percentage of the “no opportunities to influence changes in work” indicator, which means that the average includes the percentage of respondents who feel that they have at least some opportunities to influence.

The indicators can be compared either by profession group or supervisory position. A group’s results can be compared with the results of all respondents in the profession group comparison of coaching leadership experiences. A profession group’s opportunities to influence can be compared in relation to the profession groups with the most and least similar results.

The material is based on the replies to the Mitä kuuluu? well-being at work survey and it is updated on an annual basis.

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Mitä kuuluu? -tutkimus
Mitä kuuluu sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon työhyvinvoinnille 2024 -tilannekuva
Mitä kuuluu hyvinvointialueiden työhyvinvoinnille 2023 -tilannekuva

Contact information

Risto Nikunlaakso

+358 30 474 2505

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