Occupational safety and health activities during the COVID-19 situation

Occupational Safety and Health Panel survey
Occupational safety
Safety and health in the workplace
Analysis of the data

Great differences in the involvement of occupational safety and health in managing the COVID-19 situation

Analysis of the data

Differences and similarities in occupational safety management between digital and non-digital work outside the workplace

Occupational safety and health activities during the COVID-19 situation

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How, in your opinion, has the management of the COVID-19 situation has succeeded at your workplace?

Very wellFairly wellFairly poorlyCannot sayPercentage of respondents, %​​0510152025303540455055

How has the corona pandemic situation affected the following at your workplace?

Use of digitaltoolsLearning newthingsAmount of workInteraction andco-operation inthe workcommunityNumber ofpersonnelCoping at workPercentage of respondents, %​​0102030405060708090100IncreasedRemained unchangedDecreasedDifferent effects in different unitsCannot say

Have general principles been set out at your workplace for managing exceptional situations?

Were already in place before thecoronavirus pandemic, preparedby, e.g., the preparedness teamHas been preparedPlanned, not yet doneNot discussed in any wayCannot sayPercentage of respondents, %​​0510152025303540455055

Which party prepares the instructions related to occupational safety and health at your workplace?

Management teamSeparate preparedness team set upfor the coronavirus pandemicOccupational safety and healthcommittee/combined collaborationteam and OSH committeeMeetings between the occupationalsafety officer and occupationalsafety representativeUnit-specific preparedness teamsPreviously set up preparednessteam for emergency conditionsPercentage of Yes replies, %01020304050607080

Have new instructions been prepared at your workplace on the following due to the coronavirus pandemic?

Actions to be taken if you fallill or experience symptomsProtection against coronavirusinfectionWorking proceduresMeeting practicesRemote work practicesUse of personal protectiveequipmentRisk assessmentInductionPercentage of Yes replies, %0102030405060708090100

What kind of actions have been taken at your workplace to manage the COVID-19 situation?

Client guidelines changed (e.g. hygiene,visits)Work arrangements made to minimize closecontacts and the risk of infectionRemote work opted for in duties wherethis is possibleSupervisors instructed on the managementof the COVID-19 situation (e.g. safedistances)Cleaning of the work environment has beenintensifiedNew practices created to maintaininteractionInfection risk of different employeegroups assessedSupervisors instructed on how to maintaincontact to monitor the coping ofemployeesPercentage of Yes replies, %0102030405060708090100

Who, in your opinion, are the occupational safety officer’s and occupational safety representative's key collaboration partners in the management of the COVID-19 situation?

Company/organization managementSupervisorsEmployees/personnelOccupational health servicesPreparedness teamHROSH colleagues at own workplaceOutside experts and officeholdersOSH operators from other workplacesPercentage of respondents, %​​0102030405060708090100Very significantFairly significantNot very significantNot at all significantCannot say

The occupational safety and health panel is a survey that is targeted at the occupational safety and health personnel and focuses on topics of current interest related to work life. In 2020, the theme was occupational safety and health activities during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The purpose of the survey is to support the occupational safety and health personnel’s work: the results give tips on the matters to which attention should be paid at workplaces. The survey also provides information about the status of current topics related to work life at Finnish workplaces.

A short electronic survey is sent once a year to a sample extracted from the occupational safety and health personnel register. The survey focuses on occupational safety and health activities and topical matters related to workplace activities and well-being at work at each particular moment. In 2020, the theme was occupational safety and health activities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The occupational safety and health panel has been conducted since 2012. The panel is carried out in co-operation by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health and the Centre for Occupational Safety.

What the indicators describe

The indicators describe occupational safety officers’ or occupational safety representatives’ own assessment of the development of occupational safety and health activities during the COVID-19 pandemic: how successfully the situation has been managed, how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the workplace, what kind of actions have been taken at the workplace and who have been the principal actors in the exceptional situation.

The survey data consists of the survey conducted in October–November 2020 (572 responses, of which 35% were from occupational safety officers and 64% from occupational safety representatives).

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Contact information

Minna Toivanen

+358 30 474 2665

Hanna Uusitalo

+358 30 474 8666

Jarna Savolainen

+358 40 561 2022

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License

The publication is licensed under Creative Commons 4.0 International -license.

Further information about the dataset

There is an analysis related to data

Occupational safety and health panel provides current information

The survey provides information about the phenomena, demands and trends of workplaces related to occupational safety and health.

Occupational Safety and Health Panel survey
Occupational safety
Safety and health in the workplace
There is an analysis related to data

Occupational safety and health and climate change

According to the 2021 Occupational Safety and Health Panel, approximately every second workplace has recognized the effects of climate change at the workplace, but they have not been dealt with from the point of view of occupational safety

Occupational Safety and Health Panel survey
Occupational safety
Safety and health in the workplace
Climate change
There is an analysis related to data

Occupational safety and health and work outside the workplace

More than half of the workplaces have agreed on basic rules regarding work outside the workplace

Occupational Safety and Health Panel survey
Occupational safety
Safety and health in the workplace
There is an analysis related to data

Occupational safety and health and psychosocial factors

Psychosocial stress factors are identified, but their management is perceived as challenging.

Occupational Safety and Health Panel survey
Occupational safety
Safety and health in the workplace
Psychosocial workload
There is an analysis related to data

Occupational safety and health and artificial intelligence

The majority of workplaces are in the early stages of using generative artificial intelligence.

Occupational Safety and Health Panel survey
Occupational safety
Safety and health in the workplace