Occupational safety and health and work outside the workplace

Occupational Safety and Health Panel survey
Occupational safety
Safety and health in the workplace
Analysis of the data

Differences and similarities in occupational safety management between digital and non-digital work outside the workplace

Analysis of the data

Impact of climate change on occupational safety has not yet been widely identified

Occupational safety and health and work outside the workplace

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Workplaces are divided into three groups according to the type of work performed outside the workplace:

  • Digital work: mainly carried out with digital tools (computer work, e.g. remote expert and information work)
  • Non-digital work: mainly carried out without digital tools (mobile work, e.g. service, maintenance and repair work, sales work at the client's premises, transportation, home care)
  • Both: Both digital and non-digital work is carried out at the workplace

How employers support employees working outside the workplace

Common, clear and open work rules havebeen agreed with the employeesOur workplace takes care of communityspiritThe employer acquires the equipmentneeded for working outside the workplaceEmployees are advised to take breaksduring the working dayWorking methods and the ground rules aredeveloped together with the employer andemployeesThe employer offers support to employeesfor ensuring good ergonomicsWorking conditions and workload arediscussed with employeesThe employer offers advice to employeeson building good working practicesOur workplace offers support for timemanagementPercentage of respondents, %01020304050607080Digital workBothNon-digital work

Think about how working outside the workplace affects the following matters in your workplace

Very or somewhat easier
Organization of workRecovery from workUse and planning of workspacesFunctionality of co-operationEmployee equalitySupervisory work and managementWorkplace developmentMonitoring of results of workData protection and confidentialityIdentifying competence needsMaintaining a sense of community in thework communityPercentage of respondents, %01020304050607080Digital workBothNon-digital work

Assess how well your workplace's occupational safety practices function in work outside the workplace

Very well
Availability of occupational health careservicesRegular unit/team meetingsOccupational health co-operationCommunication with the occupationalsafety representative or officerInductionInformal discussions with the supervisorWorkplace surveys performed by theoccupational health care serviceproviderOccupational accident investigationsEarly supportWork orientationSafety instructionsHazard identification and riskassessmentSafety observationsImplementation of ergonomic solutionsfor employeesWhat to do in first-aid situationsPercentage of respondents, %01020304050607080Digital workBothNon-digital work

The occupational safety and health panel is a survey that is targeted at the occupational safety and health personnel and focuses on topics of current interest related to work life. The theme for 2022 was occupational safety and health and work outside the workplace.


The results are based on the occupational safety and health panel, an electronic survey about occupational safety and health activities and topical matters related to current workplace activities and well-being sent once a year to a set of people in the occupational safety and health personnel register. The theme for 2022 was occupational safety and health and work outside the workplace.

The purpose of the occupational safety and health panel is to support the occupational safety and health personnel’s work: the results give tips on the matters to which attention should be paid at workplaces. The survey also provides information on the current state of work life in Finnish workplaces.

The panel is carried out in co-operation between the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health and the Finnish Centre for Occupational Safety.

What the graphs present

The graphs present the occupational safety officers and representatives' own assessment of occupational safety and health in work outside the workplace.

The data consists of a survey conducted in November-December 2022, in which 372 people answered questions related to work outside the workplace. 64% of the respondents were occupational safety representatives and 35% were occupational safety officers.

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Contact information

Minna Toivanen

+358 30 474 2665

Hanna Uusitalo

+358 30 474 8666

Jarna Savolainen

+358 40 561 2022

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License

The publication is licensed under Creative Commons 4.0 International -license.

Further information about the dataset

There is an analysis related to data

Occupational safety and health activities during the COVID-19 situation

The occupational safety and health panel provides information about how the coronavirus pandemic has affected the workplace and how successfully the situation has been managed.

Occupational Safety and Health Panel survey
Occupational safety
Safety and health in the workplace
There is an analysis related to data

Occupational safety and health panel provides current information

The survey provides information about the phenomena, demands and trends of workplaces related to occupational safety and health.

Occupational Safety and Health Panel survey
Occupational safety
Safety and health in the workplace
There is an analysis related to data

Occupational safety and health and climate change

According to the 2021 Occupational Safety and Health Panel, approximately every second workplace has recognized the effects of climate change at the workplace, but they have not been dealt with from the point of view of occupational safety

Occupational Safety and Health Panel survey
Occupational safety
Safety and health in the workplace
Climate change
There is an analysis related to data

Occupational safety and health and psychosocial factors

Psychosocial stress factors are identified, but their management is perceived as challenging.

Occupational Safety and Health Panel survey
Occupational safety
Safety and health in the workplace
Psychosocial workload
There is an analysis related to data

Occupational safety and health and artificial intelligence

The majority of workplaces are in the early stages of using generative artificial intelligence.

Occupational Safety and Health Panel survey
Occupational safety
Safety and health in the workplace