Sickness absence in Finnish municipalities

Kunta10 survey
Occupational health
Sickness absence
Analysis of the data

Significant differences in sickness absences between occupational groups in the municipal sector during the first COVID-19 pandemic year.

Sickness absence in Finnish municipalities

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Occupational group differences

Kunta10 data, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
20002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022Sickness absence / pyw81012141618202224262830AllManagers, professionalsTechnicians and associate professionalsClerical support workersService and care workers, and shop and market sales workersManual labour (incl. craft and related trades workers, and pant and machine operators, and assemblers)

Sickness absence

Total for Kunta10 data
20002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022Sickness absence / pyw89101112131415161718192021All

Age group differences

Kunta10 data, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
20002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022Sickness absence / pyw81012141618202224Under 30 years30–39 years40–50 yearsOver 50 years

Differences between genders

Kunta10 data, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
20002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022Sickness absence / pyw810121416182022MenWomen

Cross-section by occupation

20 largest professions by person years worked
8.719.1911.4912.4712.5114.4614.5615.3917.2218.0618.3818.5321.9424.6624.7926.8129.4630.3931.65other managermunicipal administrationspecialistphysiciansecondary school/high schoolteacherprimary school teachertechnical expertother expertsocial workeroffice employeekitchen supervisor, cookspecial needs teacherother specialistsocial/youth workerfirefighter, security guardnurse, public health nursekindergarten teacherward domesticnurse, practical nursechildminderSickness absence / pyw0510152025303540

The monitoring of sickness absence makes it possible to reduce and shorten sickness absence. A set of indicators by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health demonstrates the development of sickness absence in the 2000s.


The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health’s Kunta10 study is the most long-term and extensive municipal personnel study in Finland. The work life quality and well-being of more than 90,000 municipal employees is followed up with a survey that is conducted every two years in 11 municipalities. The survey responses are also combined with register data about sickness absence, for instance.

What the indicators describe

The monitoring of sick days of the participants of the Kunta10 study is performed directly in the municipalities’ personal data files. The calculation method is consistent: the number of sick days divided by person-years. A separate figure is calculated for each subgroup (e.g. the occupation). The calculation covers full-time municipal employees. Only the days of absence that are due to the person’s own illness are included.

The data is updated at one-year intervals. The sickness absence data in 2021 from one municipality and from another in 2022 are missing.

The Work-Life Knowledge service also offers article about the survey: Significant differences in sickness absence between occupational groups in the municipal sector during the first COVID-19 pandemic year.

Read more

Contact information

Jenni Ervasti

+358 30 474 2806

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License

The publication is licensed under Creative Commons 4.0 International -license.

Further information about the dataset

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