The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health’s “How are you feeling?” well-being at work test provides extensive insight into well-being at work

Occupational wellbeing and work ability
Psychosocial workload
Analysis of the data

The well-being at work experiences of the respondents to the “How are you feeling” test vary by industrial sector

How are you feeling?

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This data has been collected with the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health’s “How are you feeling?” well-being at work test. The publicly available self-assessment test is part of the Mental Health Support Toolkit developed by the Mental Health at Work Programme. With the self-assessment test published in May 2021, anyone can assess their well-being at work, more specifically, their level of job satisfaction, work engagement, job burnout, job boredom, work addiction and work ability. You can also take the test yourself and receive personal feedback based on your answers.

What the indicators describe

The test uses well-being at work indicators established in research. The indicators are described in more detail on the test’s home page. The Prevalence of Well-Being at Work Experiences graph presents the results related to the six well-being at work experiences described above. The graph indicates how many per cent of the respondents think that their job satisfaction is high or their job boredom is low.

The levels indicated by different colours and their limit values, such as low or average, are based on the data collected in the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health’s In the Resilient Employees in Changing Work Life project, which represents the Finnish working-age population.

You can compare a specific group of respondents to all respondents by filtering, i.e. selecting certain groups of respondent to the comparison based on their time of response, age, gender, industrial sector, education, mode of employment or position. You can include more than one group in the graph with the Shift key. If the group/bar is dark blue, it will be included in the graph. For example, if you set the gender to female and the age group to 51–68 years, you can find out the percentage of women over 50 years old who experience their work engagement to be high and how the result is different from the entire data set.

Once filtered, the Prevalence of Well-Being at Work Experiences graph will be updated and show simultaneously the results of all respondents as a narrow bar and the results of the respondent groups selected by you as a wide bar and the number of respondents.


When studying the results, it is worth noting that the data has been collected with an anonymous self-assessment test. A single respondent may have taken the test more than once, for example. It is also possible that the test is used in situations where a person is interested in their well-being at work because their coping is compromised. Because of this, the results of the test may not be fully in line with previous research data. For example, the respondents in this data set report symptoms of job burnout more frequently than in a population survey.

Thus, the data is not a representative sample of Finns or people working in certain industrial sectors. The data will be updated regularly. For reasons related to data protection, a random sample of 80% of the data is presented.

An analysis page is also related to this Work-Life Knowledge service data page: The well-being at work experiences of the respondents to the “How are you feeling” test vary by industrial sector.

Contact information

Jari Hakanen

+358 30 474 2453

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