Use of cars and bicycles for commuting in the municipal sector in 2020 and 2022

Kunta10 survey
Shift in work life
Climate change
Analysis of the data

Municipal sector employee commuting during the COVID-19 pandemic and the environmental load caused by commuting

Analysis of the data

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on municipal sector work

Commuting in the municipal sector

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The Kunta10 study aims to determine the changes taking place in the work of staff in the municipal sector as well as their impact on the health and well-being of the staff. In 2020 and 2022, the survey also examined employee’s ways of commuting.


The Kunta10 study by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health is the most comprehensive and long-running study of municipal employees. The study includes 11 cities and approximately 90,000 employees. The study is conducted every other year. The most recent survey was conducted in September–October 2022. The response rate of the three most recent surveys has been between 62 and 72 per cent. The study results are used by municipalities for improving personnel well-being and quality of work life. The study data is widely used in scientific research regarding the impact changes related to work and working conditions have on the health and well-being of employees and the mechanisms that affect this connection.

The emission calculations were produced by Emilia Suomalainen, Specialist Research Scientist at the Finnish Environment Institute.

The study on commuting and the pandemic period in municipal work is funded by the Finnish Work Environment Fund (#220245 and #220431) and the Strategic Research Council (CLIMATE programme, #336004).

What the indicators indicate

The data is from 2020 and 2022. Employees in the four largest cities in Finland answered questions related to commuting (approximately 40,000 employees). The results for the largest occupational groups in the municipal sector are presented (before the social welfare and health services reform). The data has been coarsened so that no individual respondents can be identified.

The questions involve a variety of different scales:

  • A relative scale of 0–100, where the figure represents the proportion of respondents to whom the statement fits (percentage)
  • For continuous variables, such as kilometres or days, the average is presented

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Contact information

Jenni Ervasti

+358 30 474 2806

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License

The publication is licensed under Creative Commons 4.0 International -license.

Further information about the dataset

There is an analysis related to data

Work in the municipal sector and the impact of COVID-19 on work arrangements

Results of the Kunta10 study from the year 2020 according to effects of COVID-19

Kunta10 survey
Occupational health
Sickness absence
There is an analysis related to data

Sickness absence in Finnish municipalities

A set of indicators by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health demonstrate the development of sickness absence in the 2000s

Kunta10 survey
Occupational health
Sickness absence
There is an analysis related to data

Municipal work and employee well-being

Results of the Kunta10 study from 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022 and 2024

Kunta10 survey
Occupational wellbeing and work ability
There is an analysis related to data

The COVID-19 pandemic and changes in municipal sector work

The study examines the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on municipal sector work based on a survey conducted in 2022.

Kunta10 survey
Occupational wellbeing and work ability
Psychosocial workload