The results concerning work ability and work participation presented here are based on The state of work ability in Finland register data generated by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. The research material consists of a random sample of 90% of the working-age population. In our review, working-age population is limited to people aged 20–68 at the end of 2021. The total number of people of this age was 2,920,099. The register used in this review was based on the data provided by Statistics Finland, the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, the Finnish Centre for Pensions and Kela, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland.
There is no individual work ability indicator – particularly one that has a positive perspective – in the register data. Instead, work ability is typically looked at as work disability. This cross-sectional review is thus based on a holistic view of work ability (see Lederer et al., 2014) and its operationalization based on the register data for empirical research. We sought correlates for factors related to work ability from the collection of register data. After this, we classified the people in the data set with the means of a cluster analysis and register variables. Learn more about the variables and methods used on the analysis page.
What the indicators describe
The results show the groups that differ from each other with regard to factors related to work ability formed with the means of a cluster analysis and the average number of months in an employment relationship and in unemployment of each group. The months in an employment relationship are calculated from the working days accumulated over the year based on the Statistics Finland incomes register. The number of unemployment months are calculated from the days of unemployment accumulated over the year based on the Statistics Finland FOLK period data for jobseekers. Detailed descriptions of the groups can be seen on the analysis page.
The data collected by us provides insight into the factors related to work ability in the Finnish working-age population. The classification allows for making comparisons between the groups. The classification data combined with the employment and unemployment month data provides information about the work participation of groups with different factors related to work ability.
The groups as well as their employment and unemployment months can also be reviewed by wellbeing services county. This provides a wellbeing services county-specific view into the factors related to work ability of the working-age population in the area. In addition, a comparison of wellbeing services counties offers a view of how the work participation of groups with different levels of work ability varies between wellbeing services counties.
When looking at the results, it must be taken into account that, although we describe the groups based on the average characteristics of the people in the group, not all people in the group fully represent the average description.