The Kunta10 study aims to determine the changes taking place in the work of staff in the municipal sector as well as their impact on the health and well-being of the staff. In 2020, we asked how the COVID-19 pandemic had affected work arrangements. The results present information related to work, work community, leadership and coping at work, classified according to effects of COVID-19.
The Kunta10 study by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health is the most comprehensive and long-running study of municipal employees. The study includes 11 cities and approximately 90,000 employees. The study is conducted every other year. In 2020, a total of 65,000 municipal employees responded (response rate 72).WHAT THE INDICATORS DESCRIBE
The results present data of the Kunta10 study from 2020, classified according to effects of COVID-19 and profession. The data has been coarsened into four groups so that no individual respondents can be identified. The groups are as follows:- COVID-19 had no effect on work arrangements (‘Not at all’)
- Transferred entirely or partially to remote work due to COVID-19 (‘Remote work’)
- Transferred to other work duties within their own sector or transferred to another sector (‘Transfer to other duties’)
- COVID-19 had some other effect on work arrangements, such as temporary layoff, unpaid holiday, part-time work or reorganization of team/workgroup (‘Others’)
Respondents could choose all the options that fit them. This means the same respondent can be included in several groups. When interpreting the results, it should be noted that the questions only concerned the effect of COVID-19 on work arrangements. As such, the group ‘Not at all’ could include employees who experienced changes in the content of their work but not the work arrangements.
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Further information about the dataset
Sickness absence in Finnish municipalities
A set of indicators by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health demonstrate the development of sickness absence in the 2000s
Municipal work and employee well-being
Results of the Kunta10 study from 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022 and 2024
Use of cars and bicycles for commuting in the municipal sector in 2020 and 2022
The study examines changes in commuting and traffic emissions in the municipal sector in 2020 and 2022.
The COVID-19 pandemic and changes in municipal sector work
The study examines the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on municipal sector work based on a survey conducted in 2022.